Saturday, January 24, 2015

Under The Snow

It finally snowed in New England, so this is the perfect book to blog about.

Under The Snow 
Written by Melissa Stewart 

About the Book:
When it starts, snowing have you ever wondered what happens to all the creatures in the world? Most people know that bears hibernate in the winter, but what happens to the ladybugs, bees, voles, and chipmunks? Melissa Stewarts’ book Under the Snow takes us on a marvelous adventure about what happens to creatures in the forest, fields, ponds, and wetlands.  This book is beautifully written and full of fascinating information. The watercolor illustration further engages the reader.

Under the Snows is a must buy book for teachers.

This book teaches the reader that the world is full of fascinating things. Thank you, Melissa Stewart for taking the time to stop, listen and learn about the world and sharing it with us.

Bumper Sticker for Book: A book that leaves the reader with a sense of wonder about nature and animal facts.

Comments from Kindergarten Children: I liked this book because there was a salamander, and I saw one at my house. I learned that some animals move and some don't. I learned that some animals dig tunnels and eat bark.

Ideas in the Classroom:

    Look at the cover of Under The Snow and have students guess what they think will be under the snow.

    Melissa structures this book in an interesting way. She lists different habitats and then information; an older student could write a story similar to her style. Look closely at how she uses ellipses.
   After reading, this story, students can write about what they learned about animals under the snow.
    Have the student generate wonder questions by using their imagination suggesting animals, not mentioned in the book.
• The words Melissa uses help us paint a picture in our mind of these creatures. On the second reading of this book, record amazing words and phrases on an anchor chart.
   Melissa has a wonderful video about where she got the idea for this book… a must see!
Check it out below.                                

Thank you Susan for sharing this book with me!


  1. Embarking on a journey through this enchanting story was like stepping into a world of wonder and magic. The tale skillfully takes us on a marvelous adventure, weaving together the destinies of creatures residing in the forest, fields, ponds, and wetlands.

  2. Under the Snow beautifully captures the stillness and mystery hidden beneath winter's white blanket. Just as snow conceals the layers beneath, understanding the nuances of a Bexar county property tax protest requires delving beyond the surface.


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