
Sunday, November 9, 2014

Shared Reading

I am a strong believer in assessing kids where they are at socially and academically and helping them to grow.  I want to provide a classroom community that focuses on developmentally appropriate practices that instills a love and hopefully a passion for reading and writing.

     I start the year with strong expectations that all of my students will become readers and writers. Many students will begin the year with self-doubt, and it’s at these moments when our teaching matters most. In my classroom, I am constantly trying to find ways for students to feel successful in their literacy journey.

For kindergarten age, I think it’s essential to set aside at least twenty minutes a day for shared reading.  In September, these texts are familiar songs and poems written on chart paper or big books.

These familiar songs and poems will be read again and again during group time with the goal that students will return to these books and song charts during independent reading time. The beautiful thing about shared reading is that you can create your own text to read chorally along with the class. Students like to make books that can be used during  the shared reading time

{Displaying Books in an Inviting Way}

  It does not take long for students to fall in love with characters like Mrs. Wishy Washy or to enjoy singing the familiar songs over and over again.

The students love shared reading because it is a highly engaging lesson. Because we read the same books over and over again, the students become more confident as readers. In kindergarten, you can quickly make reading material for your classroom.
I am reading.
I am playing.
I am running. 

  Once students know the text, it is important for teachers to take the book to the next level. It is not enough to just read the book we need to teach something to our students that will help them become better readers. 

We were working on the heart word LOVE.

At the beginning of the year, we want students to learn about concepts of print.  Where do we start to read?  What direction do we move in when we read? Who can find a word? Who can find a letter?  As the needs of our students change so should the instruction we give. 

 I like to introduce two or three sight words from the text that will be the words we will work on during  word work time.   Nellie Edge has a wonderful site that is loaded with poems and songs you can use for shared reading time as well as suggestions on activities for word work.

If you teach kindergarten, It is important to set time aside each day to do shared reading with your students. Shared reading is one of the most important parts of the day. It helps young students learn how to read.

Here are some big books I have made with my class this year!
Five Little Pumpkins
 We wrote this book during an interactive writing time.

I typed the words and students worked with a 
partner to illustrate.


  1. Rereading familiar text is a great way to build fluency and learn lots of sight words as well.
    Connie Anderson

  2. Thanks for sharing that Mrs. Anderson...the fluency piece is so important in kindergarten! I might do another post on all the comprehension work you can do with big books too! Have a great Monday! Melissa

  3. Thank you for this post. I agree with everything you said. I know sometimes I feel the pressure to move on because of what someone higher up is saying needs to be taught. Many times the higher ups are trying to put the cart before the horse. I just pulled out 2 Nursery Rhyme big books to work on this week. Your post reminds me why I pulled them out...they are developmentally appropriate.

  4. I do shared reading in my first grade classroom each day too. It's a powerful tool.
    ❀ Tammy
    Forever in First

  5. Thanks for all of your comments! Tammy I took a Teacher College Reading workshop over the summer and they recommend shared reading up to second grade!

  6. This is such a sweet post, thanks for sharing! I simply love all these kids drawings. Oh, and I have to say your attitude is perfect for a teacher. I’m a little scared when it comes to my expectations. Once the bar is set I’m trying too much and get desperate when some student can’t grasp the material. Same thing happened with older students, writing essay was like a weekly disaster. I’m trying to be less demanding and make our lessons entertaining. Senior teachers say that kids learn the best when you turn it into a game.

  7. Ann...that is so true! Thank you for your thoughtful comment. Melissa
