
Saturday, September 6, 2014

Rules In School

This was my first week of school. It is great to be back. One of my favorite books I read this week is Bella's Rules by Elissa Haden Guest. Bella's Rule is a delightful story of why rules are necessary. 

I think there are lots of teaching possibilities with this book. For the start of the school year, my class read the book and we talked about some of the obvious classroom rules. 

At the end of choice time, you need to put things back.
When we walk in the halls, we need to use quiet voices because students are working.

Next week, I plan to have students draw a picture of themselves following a classroom rule. 

Next week we will be making and charting the classroom rules together. I often turn to the book Teaching Children To Care by Ruth Sidney Charney.

Happy September! 

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