
Sunday, February 24, 2013

Daily 5 Word Work

I am getting ready to go back to school after a relaxing week off! This vacation week has helped me organize my class a little bit and reflect on things that are going well and things I want to work on. I can't believe how fast the school year is going by!

 Daily 5 Work

 During Daily 5 time, the kids always get to make choices as long as it connects to reading. The only MUST DO station is sometimes word work.  

I decided to make this sheet, so the kids know their job is to complete at least three-word workstations during the week. Can they do more? Absolutely! You can see that all of the stations are simple and familiar. 

Reflection Piece

On Friday, I plan on having the whole class reflect on what they learned connected to the word work for the week. I know this will be tricky for some kids to do. I hope to share some responses on Friday! 

 This reflection piece is also going to help me see where kids are at and what they are taking away from the large group lessons. 

 Happy almost Monday!

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