
Saturday, March 17, 2012

Writing Workshop Showing not Telling

An ongoing lesson in kindergarten is to tell how you are feeling and to try to get students to go beyond I was happy. It was fun. I went home. At this point in the year, I am trying to get students to tell more details.

We made a strong feelings chart last week and now we are working on what the feeling looks like and sounds like.  We played charades using our bodies and trying to guess the feeling. I love the book The Bad Mood! It is the perfect book to show feelings and have students make predictions about the ending.

I know Showing our feelings are BIG ideas for kindergarten. This lesson is planting the seed for what good writers do.

After reading, talking and acting out our different feelings, we began to work on a feelings anchor chart for the classroom. Our guiding question: what would a person act do or say if they were feeling ______?  You will see that students worked in groups answering this question. 

  After reading lots of feeling books, the students worked in groups on the sheet below.  
click here for the feelings sheets

Showing Chart for Feelings


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I LOVE this whole post! I think it is so informative and showing each aspect of your teaching each day really helps show the process!

    Fantastic post! Thank you for sharing!

    Tunstall's Teaching Tidbits

  3. What a great post! We have weaved feelings throughout the year with character ed and recently inferring! I love your ideas for revisiting feelings to enrich their writing! Love the small group work too! Thanks for sharing!

    Mrs. Krull
    Of Primary Importance

  4. Thanks for your wonderful comments!

  5. This is perfect! I've always struggled with the showing, not telling lessons. I'm definitely adding this to my arsenal. Thanks!

    ❀ Tammy
    Forever in First

  6. Great pictures and explanations. I love this lesson. Thanks!

    Teaching With Love and Laughter

  7. Oh my goodness! I love your blog. I have been following for a while and love everything you post. You are so helpful with Writer's Workshop. Thank you so much!

    Sprinkles to Kindergarten

  8. Great ideas! We introduced feelings earlier this year and talked about how sharing these feelings with your reader is a gift. I love this for expanding that idea and focusing on the show, not tell of good writing. Thanks!

    Primarily Primary

  9. Thanks for all the wonderful comments! Melissa

  10. You are making me a better teacher! Thanks for inspiring so many great writing ideas for me and my students!

  11. Colleen, I am so glad you are finding this useful!! Have a wonderful weekend! Melissa

  12. Great idea! I would change 'act' to 'think', since 'act' and 'do' are very similar. So it then becomes: 'do, think, say'. I will definitely be trying it out in class. Thank you for the ideas : )

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