
Monday, January 9, 2012

How To Stories

During Writing Workshop Time we started writing  How To Stories. I decided to kick this lesson off by first reading the book Walk On by Marla Frazee. I love all of Marla Frazee books. We started to write a  classroom How To Build a Snowman

Although, we have not had snow yet, this is always a favorite topic choice. I then created a template How To Book. I have used the paper from the Lucy Calkins books, but I think the template below helps Kindergarteners when they first start writing How To Stories. Today we worked on just the first two pages. I have some cute titles below to share.

During large group time, we began writing the steps to making a Snowman. During the lesson, the kids on the rug had white boards to work on some of the spelling and word work. 

When I do an Interactive Writing lesson, I often add parts to the story at the start of writing workshop and during a transition time. When you get in the habit of returning to the text for quick burst during the day, you can accomplish a lot. 

At this point in the year, we are focusing on spacing, spelling Heart Words and rereading.

How To Do Bowling

How To Do Science

How To Plant A Garden

If you would like a copy, click below.


Click Here


  1. We are beginning our how-to stories in a few weeks. Thanks for sharing your resources and showing examples.


  2. I love this, but I cannot get the Scribd document to download or print. :( Is there any way you can email it to me?

  3. I love this but I also can not get it to print. Could I get a copy to
