
Monday, January 12, 2015

Grab-Bag Addition

Last week I shared Grab-Bag Subtraction, this week we will learn Grab-Bag Addition.

Materials Needed: A Brown paper bag
                               Recording Sheet
                               Ziplock bag of counters

 One partner puts some counters into a paper bag, naming the number selected and recording it on the record sheet.

I am putting five in the bag.
(record the number five on the sheet)

The other player does the same.

I am putting three in the bag.
(record the number three)

Both partners write the number combination on their recording sheets and predict how many counters are in the bag altogether.

The children then pour the counters out of the bag and count them to check the total.
Assign a number to each group letting them choose from a collection of a given number.

Make different cube bags for students to use they 
don't have to use all of the cubes in each round

I recently read an article written by Kathy Richardson called Too Easy for Kindergarten and Just Right for First Grade. At the beginning of the article, she writes about selecting numbers for students to work with at math time.  Kathy writes:

My goal is to give all the children in a classroom activities that keep them thinking and working at the edge of their understanding. Even though my intent is to keep children challenged. I often find myself recommending smaller numbers than others might suggest. An ongoing question for me has been "What sizes of number are appropriate for children?'

Sometimes I assign everyone the same number to work with, when playing a math game. Reading this article reminded me that we need to provide opportunities for students to be working with just right numbers all the time. We do it so easily during reading workshop, why not at math time.

Grab-Bag addition is a wonderful game from Kathy Richardson.

Happy Counting!

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  1. Such a fun, fantastic idea! I'd love if you'd share it with my readers by linking up to Teaching Idea Tuesday.

  2. What a great idea, I came over from Leslie's Teaching Idea Tuesday Linky.
    I'm your newest Pinterest follower. :)
    Have a great week,
    Fern Smith's Classroom Ideas!
    Fern Smith's Pinterest Boards!

  3. ...and I'm also here from Teaching Idea Tuesday! :) I love the quote from Kathy Richardson about keeping students working at the edge of their understanding. You are so right - if we can do it in literacy, we can do it in math, too!
    Thanks for sharing!

  4. Linda and Fern,
    Thanks for both of you comments. Linda when reading that article it really jumped out at me too! I think sometimes math can be tricky because there is so much we have to teach them and we often follow a curriculum guide too!


  5. I love that you host a nice set of premade assignments and I would use these in my classroom. I thank you for hosting these.
