
Saturday, September 27, 2014


I was reading this book Questions, Questions by Marcus Pfister and it lead into the wondering question... 

Who teaches butterflies to fly?

As a group, we talked about what a wonder question is and how in kindergarten, we hope to think about questions we may not know the answer to. During meeting time, we record some of our thinking. The following day, we returned to this question to think some more and share our thoughts. One child was thrilled to share that she knew the answer. She looked it up on Google with her mom. 

Before letting her share the answer, we talked some more about How Butterflies learn to fly? My emphasis was not on getting the correct answer, but listening and sharing with one another.  Some student thought the mom butterfly teaches the butterfly to fly, but another child posed the question what if the butterfly is a widow? Do butterflies have a mom and dad?

How do butterflies learn to fly

They learn by watching.

Science Concept Books 

These Science Clever Concept books are BEAUTIFUL and loaded with rich vocabulary words. They are very expensive, so check your local library to see if they carry them. I plan to use these books to create a word chart for my Science area.

For my first lesson, my class read
 Cold, Crunchy and Colorful Using Our Senses.
Before reading, we talked about our five senses.

We were on the look out for 
color words
shape words
size words 
texture words

Many children in my class were unfamiliar with the word texture, so this was a great introduction to that vocabulary word. I look forward to sharing more of these books with my class. 

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