
Thursday, September 27, 2012

Good Writers write about what they know

I always kick off the year talking about what writers write about. 

Writers writers write about what they know and what they care about. You can see the little posters we made for both. 

When I worked on these little posters I did, I know about first. We talked about the different interest we have. I shared conversations I heard kids having that told me they knew a lot about something. 

For example, one day at Choice Time a child was looking at a shark book and another child started to share all of these facts they knew about sharks.


  1. The I know about and I care about make great charts! So helpful to the students.
    Conversations in Literacy

  2. I'm a broken record. I LOVE what you do with your k kids!
    ❀ Tammy
    Forever in First

  3. I really enjoy reading your posts about teaching writing! Thanks for sharing these, I'm going to use them next week!

    ~ Amy

  4. Thanks for the inspiration! I just used these and the thinking maps from a later post and posted about it on my blog here!
